Psychedelic Integration

KAP Kansas CIty and PAP Kansas City offer continued support, healing and growth following your journey with our Integration Coaching Program. Integration Coaching sessions are a way to support your continued connection to your experience, so that your session will stay alive in you as the experience unfolds in your life.

If you’ve researched psychedelic medicines for healing (ketamine, psilocybin, MDMA, 5 MEO DMT, ayahuasca, etc.) then you have likely come across the concept of integration. But what is integration? How is it done?

Unlike indigenous cultures with long relationships with mind expanding plant medicines, we don’t live in a culture of integration. As a larger community we don’t have the language or systems to support psychedelic integration. Our lived experiences may run counter to the freedom, connection and unity we feel when we use psychedelics. Some psychedelic experiences leave us confused or left with “big feelings.” We need a place to process that experine with a knowledgeable person.

The Latin word for integration, integratus, means “to render something whole, bring together the parts.” Coaching will guide you to open up to your inner awareness. The psychedelic experience becomes part of your life. You will develop practices to help you shift thoughts and behaviors patterns, landing in a place of transformation and acceptance.

Integration is not interpretation. I think of it as going from having an experience with expanded consciousness to expressing my new awareness in my daily life. I use small, behavioral shifts and practices to stay connected to my expanded consciousness. KAP Kansas City Integration Coaching will help you find practices that work for you.

Ram Dass said “The real work is your inner connection.”

Let us help you stay connected.

See the Services tab of the KAP Kansas City and PAP Kansas City websites.

KAP Kansas City

Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy Kansas City

Integration tips from Entheogenic Research Integration & Education:

- Review your experience with regard to your original intention- identify patterns, themes and inner states of awareness.

- Based on your review, identify what aspects of your experience seem necessary to incorporate into your life, and reflect on what immediate, short-term and long term practices may support this process.

- Make sure your chosen practice(s) are sustainable to ensure consistency and compliance.

- A regular spiritual practice often provides a larger container for your integration work.

- Reevaluate your integration practices. As time unfolds, adjust your practices to incorporate new insights, and acknowledge any emotional states that may have arisen during them.

-A mentor, integration assistant, and/or therapist are useful in developing and sustaining integration practice.


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